Facultad de Ingeniería


ABET - Ingeniería

Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology


Adicionalmente, desde el 2015 los programas hasta ese momento existentes recibieron la Acreditación Internacional de ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology). Esta acreditación se enfoca en el planteamiento de objetivos educativos del programa (lo que se espera que nuestros egresados hagan), los resultados de aprendizaje (lo que se espera que nuestros estudiantes aprendan durante la carrera), el currículo (el cual debe evidenciar experiencias claras de diseño y una fundamentación en ciencias y matemáticas, además de las habilidades técnicas propias de cada ingeniería) y la mejora continua del programa (cómo periódicamente mejoramos nuestras prácticas docentes, métodos de evaluación y decisiones profesorales para mejorar la calidad del programa), lo que la convierte en un sistema de aseguramiento de calidad curricular. Además, agrega dentro del análisis otros criterios como son los profesores, la infraestructura, el apoyo institucional y los estudiantes, los cuales complementan el sistema para garantizar un proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje de alta calidad internacional.


Qualified Registration Resolution:

20232 from October 26, 2016, validity October 26, 2023
High Quality Accreditation:
2252 Resolution from February 20, 2014


Title: Civil Engineer
Academic Level: Undergraduate

Curriculum of the Civil Engineering program

Fundamental Core - 112 credits: Subjects in basic sciences, applied engineering, institutional and engineering design projects.

Emphasis - 12 credits: Subjects in the areas of Buildings, Road Infrastructure, Hydrotechnics.

Complementary - 6 credits: Subjects from other careers such as other Engineering, Industrial Design and Architecture.

Electives - 8 credits: Free choice subjects from the University catalogue.

Total credits - 138.


ualified Registration Resolution:
001055 from February 01, 2022, validity September 30, 2023
High Quality Accreditation:
16213 Resolution from September 30, 2015


Title: Electronic Engineer
Academic Level: Undergraduate

Curriculum of the Electronics Engineering program

Fundamental Core - 119 credits: Subjects in basic sciences, signs, electronic systems, engineering and institutional design projects.

Emphasis - 18 credits: Subjects in the areas of Digital Systems and Signal Processing, Communications, Control and Energy.

Complementary - 7 credits: Subjects from other careers such as other Engineering, Languages, Music.

Electives - 16 credits: Free choice subjects from the University catalogue.

Total credits - 160.


Qualified Registration Resolution:

16757 from December 27, 2019, validity December 27, 2026
High Quality Accreditation:
7421 Resolution from April 30, 2021


Title: Industrial Engineer
Academic Level: Undergraduate

Curriculum of the Industrial Engineering program

Fundamental Core - 110 credits: Subjects in basic sciences, quantitative methods, manufacturing and processes, production and logistics, management, engineering and institutional design projects.

Emphasis - 9 credits: Subjects in the areas of Value Chain Operations, Human and Technological Factors, Business Intelligence, Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Organizational Decisions.

Complementary - 9 credits: Subjects from other careers such as other Engineering, Business Administration or Industrial Design.

Electives - 8 credits: Free choice subjects from the University catalogue.

Total credits - 138.


SNIES 3079
Qualified Registration Resolution:

009842 Resolution from June 16, 2020, validity June 16, 2028
High Quality Accreditation:
3985 Resolution from March 12, 2018


Title: Systems Engineer
Academic Level: Undergraduate

Curriculum of the Systems Engineering program

Fundamental Core - 113 credits: Subjects in basic sciences, applied engineering, engineering and institutional design projects.

Emphasis - 11 credits: Subjects in the areas of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Computer Graphics, Digital Security and Information Systems.

Complementary - 6 credits: Subjects from other careers such as other Engineering, Data Science, Languages.

Electives - 8 credits: Free choice subjects from the University catalogue.

Total credits - 138.

Facultad de Ingeniería - Edificio 42
Cra. 7 No. 40-62 Bogotá, Colombia- Tels: (571) 320 8320 Ext. 5275-5274