Becas Doctorado - Ingeniería

Facultad de Ingeniería


Lugar: Campus Universitario Pontificia Universidad Javeriana - Bogotá, Colombia.

We welcome you to the courses in Data Science and Design Thinking that will be offered by a world recognized scholar, Professor Jennifer Widom at Javeriana University. Jennifer Widom is the Frederick Emmons Terman Dean of the School of Engineering and the Fletcher Jones Professor in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at Stanford University. More information about her can be found at: We aim to have equal-gender participation and students coming from the regions of Colombia in both courses.

The 3-day in-person course in Data Science is designed mainly for excellent engineering students who have some already acquired skills in programming. The 1-day in-person course in Design Thinking aims both advanced high school students as well as engineering and design students. To postulate students will be required to have been registered officially as a students in the most recent academic period (first semester of 2022) and to present a letter of recommendation from an academic authority of the institution where students are registered. For the course in Data Science, please note that students from all universities in Colombia are welcomed, but consider that we will guarantee 20 seats to schools of engineering who are members of ACOFI (please contact ACOFI for that purpose). In any case, These courses represent a unique opportunity not only to learn, but to interact with students from different institutions and regions of Colombia. We hope with these two wonderful courses that we can contribute to the construction of a strong engineering ecosystem in Colombia. Enjoy!

Lope Hugo Barrero
Dean School of Engineering
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Jennifer Widom is the Frederick Emmons Terman Dean of the School of Engineering and the Fletcher Jones Professor in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at Stanford University. She served as Computer Science Department Chair from 2009-2014 and School of Engineering Senior Associate Dean from 2014-2016. Jennifer received her Bachelor's degree from the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music in 1982 and her Computer Science Ph.D. from Cornell University in 1987. She was a Research Staff Member at the IBM Almaden Research Center before joining the Stanford faculty in 1993. Her research interests span many aspects of nontraditional data management. She is an ACM Fellow and a member of the National Academy of Engineering and the American Academy of Arts & Sciences; she received a Guggenheim Fellowship in 2000, the ACM SIGMOD Edgar F. Codd Innovations Award in 2007, the ACM-W Athena Lecturer Award in 2015, and the EPFL-WISH Foundation Erna Hamburger Prize in 2018.


july 29th - 2022

Course duration: 8 h | Face to face modality

Number of participants: Minimum 12, maximum 30, will be divided into teams of 4-5

Length: Full day. Workshop activities run 5-6 hours not including breaks and lunch. It’s crucial that all participants commit to stay for the full day – the team-based format doesn’t allow for any participants to miss any part of the workshop. If lunch can be brought in during the workshop it helps with continuity of activities, otherwise we will take a break.

Room setup: No theater seating! The room must be open and configurable so groups of participants can work together – preferably with tables, or desks that can be moved into groups. It is also very important to have easels, boards, or wall space available for each group, as they brainstorm and prototype ideas.

A/V requirements: Projection for Prof. Widom’s Macbook laptop is required, including audio capability if possible.

Internet requirements: None

Participant background: No background of any type is required. Ideally the teams will be mixed gender and include a variety of disciplinary interests. Participants can be a mixture of students at any level as well as non-students (e.g., instructors, faculty, administrators).

Participant preparation: No preparation is needed. Participants should wear casual, comfortable clothes, as there will be lots of moving around and interaction. Most importantly participants should come with an open mind, ready to be engaged and involved – for the workshop to be successful, everyone needs to be an active contributor.

Format: After warm-up activities and presentation of the design-thinking process, participants are divided into teams and given a design challenge. The remainder of the day is spent guiding teams through the design-thinking process in a highly interactive, fast-paced environment. The day ends with each team presenting their design solution, and participants discussing what they learned through the process.

The following materials are necessary for the workshop. If they are difficult to acquire or not available, please let Prof. Widom know in advance so she can plan accordingly.

  • Post-it or other brand of sticky notes (approx. 6-10cm x 6-10cm): minimum 1 pad of 50+ sheets per participant
  • Sharpies or similar felt pens: minimum 1 per participant, dark color, medium point preferred
  • Large pads of white poster paper (approx. 50cm x 60cm): minimum 4 sheets per group
  • Easels, boards, or wall space for poster paper: minimum two easels per group, or equivalent board or wall space where tape can be used
  • Tape for poster paper: one roll per group

In addition, each participant should bring a notepad or paper plus pen or pencil, for taking notes.
The following construction materials are useful when available, but no items are required. Other construction materials are also welcome. Quantities are suggestions only – provide whatever quantities are readily available.

  • Colored construction paper (100 sheets)
  • Scissors (1 per team of 4 participants)
  • Tape (can be same as provided for poster paper)
  • Staplers and staples (2-3 total)
  • Fasteners: rubber bands, paper clips, binder clips
  • String and/or yarn (2-3 total)
  • Popsicle sticks or tongue depressors, straws, ribbon
  • Aluminum foil (2-3 total)
  • Cardboard